Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sons of God.... In all things give thanks!

Work is pretty stressful this week. Selling an event that supposed to be the best conference produced by the company does bring a lot of pressure, especially when the number of delegates has not been increasing for the past 3 weeks. Further more one of my senior staff just resigned last week.

But thanks be to God! It seems that God wants me to learned a thing or two.

1. I am a son!
A son is a son. My earthly father did not disown me when I did not do well at school. Nor will he love me less when I broke a few thousand dollars worth of ceramics (I was quite naughty last time :P). Its nothing like '"If I obey God's commands this week, then I'll be His son and He will bless me." Again I realized God's love is unconditional. A son is a son despite of his performance. Of course having said that, it doesn't mean that I will slack. In fact as a son, I will try my very best to please my father.

2. Give thanks!
"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him" 2 Cor 2:14
I realized that its easy to give thanks when things go smoothly. But what if things don't go smoothly? Well... My first reaction would be asking God for help.. But where's the thanksgiving part? Do I need to give thanks still? The answer is YES! Phi 4:6" Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
I did that, I surrender my anxiousness to God, I prayed, and I give thanks over my situation at work. I give thanks because I know that God will lead me to victory (...who always leads us in triumphal procession...)

I believed that God will lead me to victory when I started my week, I went through this week as a victor, and at the end of this week(Friday) I really saw the victory. To close the story, we doubled the number of delegates this week. For the past 1.5 month we managed to get 16 delegates for the conference, but at the end of this week I had 32. God is good!

Have you given thanks today? ^_^

1 comment:

Tetra-compatibility said...

Amen.... God bless u, brother! Be strengthened through faith in Him for He is your Strength, your Portion, Strong Tower and Deliverer... Let's altogether celebrate this Year of Victory!